Join us in Provence this spring
For a series of experiential, interdisciplinary gatherings, creative workshops and retreats
When I left my old world behind, to “risk everything of who I think I am, who I would like to be and where I would like to go” and allow this new chapter of my life to unfold on its own, I had no idea where this journey would take me. I just knew I was ready to embrace life, live the unfamiliar, and discover something unlooked for in the process… I went where I was called, where the opportunity to risk more of myself was presented, where I could become softer and more vulnerable. With time, the inquiry moved from individual to collective, and with the generous help of friends, colleagues, and clients channeled into a new initiative: revillage - an ecosystem of people, places, and practices that will enable us to access deeper collective wisdom, and create a language of expression needed for human and planetary revival.
The idea is simple, let’s reimagine a story of what it means to be human through lived experiments and creative explorations; let’s create experiences where the most diverse groups of participants, can come together to explore what is possible using creative, and holistic tools; and let’s build a community that can act locally, but share learnings globally, so we can start to shift the existing paradigm. Our work is an invitation to deepen the conversation, whose outcome remains unknown.
At what threshold are we standing? What possibilities are we inviting in? Who else can we be? What futures can we create? What is our real work? How would we see the world and each other if we were free?
I am writing to share we are moving into the next phase of this project: a series of experimental, interdisciplinary gatherings in Provence, between April and June 2024, where we will creatively respond to some of these questions. And in the true spirit of ‘it takes a village’, we are starting with five events hosted by a group of inspiring artists, practitioners, and facilitators, who will come together to share their experiences, hold space for our collective inquiry, and ensure what we learn is shared with a wider community. Each of the gatherings will be intimate (up to 10 participants) and jointly co-created by the group, diverse in experience, and perspectives, focused on specific questions of inquiry, with plenty of space to immerse ourselves in nature, enjoy the silence and company of others, and reconnect with our collective imagination, and creativity.
24 - 26 April Facing the fear(s) and joy of losing: How do we create space and time for the new? - FULLY BOOKED
With: Martin Calnan, Martin A. Ciesielski, and Sonja Kresojevic
15 - 18 May: Emergent Creative Expressions: What are we inviting in?
With Fateme Banishoeib, and Sonja Kresojevic
29 May - 2 June: Navigating Transitions: Who do we choose to be?
With Sonja Kresojevic, Talya Landau, and Piero Gandini
13- 16 June: Healing connections: How can vulnerability be our guide?
With: Sarah Nuedling, and Glyn Bottrell20 - 23 June: Sensing the Future: How do we reimagine our life and work?
With Kim Arazi, and Sonja Kresojevic
The backdrop for these events will be a beautiful 18th-century stone bastide, surrounded by vineyards and olive groves, nestled between some of the most beautiful villages of Provence.
In addition to these events, we will also offer space and time for:
1:1 work with one of our practitioners
Community co-living
Workshops and retreats for you and your teams, and
Regular calls to share learnings, and deepen the collaboration
This is the first in a series of experiences we are planning in Provence and other partner locations, hoping these explorations will inspire people to come together, be open to new perspectives, and co-create in response to questions we are all collectively holding. To paraphrase Margaret Mead
We should not doubt that a diverse group of thoughtful, creative, and courageous citizens can change the world; it’s the only thing that ever has.
We will communicate more about each of the events, and the ways you can help us co-create, over the coming days. I could not be more excited to start this journey with this incredible group of humans and I look forward to hosting many of you too.
Please get in touch with us at if you are curious to learn more, join one of the gatherings, and have a desire and capacity to support our work.
With love